[mathNEWS] New Music Roundup (5/25)

The theme this week is good music that came out in the last two weeks. But it’s surprisingly tough to find five good tracks that came out in the last two weeks, so I relaxed it to good music that I started listening to in the last two weeks.

1. Ryan Caraveo - Floating #

Ryan Caraveo is a rapper out of Seattle, and he doesn’t have a song with over 20,000 plays on Spotify, but he REALLY should. Go listen to his music. Floating is his newest single, and it sounds exactly like what a Seattle rap song should sound like (e.g. chill). Also, it’s also got an adorable music video.

2. Cosmo Sheldrake - Rich (ft Anndreyah Vargas) #

Cosmo Sheldrake released their EP Pelicans We last month and it sounds kind of like a more scattered Alt-j (which sounds unbelievable but trust me). Rich is the most polished song on the EP, and it lives up to the potential of the genre.

3. Big Wild - Aftergold #

I found Aftergold while listening to music similar to ODESZA, but it sounds more like Clams Casino to me: heavy beats and atmospheric synths. It’s a good song to inspire you when you’ve been working on HW for like six hours straight.

4. LANY - 4EVER! #

4EVER! is a bit of a guilty pleasure song. It’s 80’s bright and poppy, but that’s ok if the sun is shining and you have headphones on. It’ll probably get annoying in a week, but for now it’s something to dance to on my walk home.

5. Powers - Beat of My Drum #

Powers isn’t big yet (they have just three songs on Spotify) but they’re going to be. Why? Because their music is radio friendly. Beat of My Drum is clearly the standout, and it sounds like new Maroon 5 mixed with old JT. And yes, you can sing to it.



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[notes] The Innovator’s Solution

The Innovator’s Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth (2003) by Clayton M. Christensen and Michael E. Raynor # Buy from Amazon NOTE: Bewarned, these notes are un-edited, un-revised, and un-styled. I plan on cleaning them up... Continue →