You Should Put Your Code On Github

Dear Past Me,

Remember that first assignment in your Introduction to Computer Programming class? Because I sure don’t. You should have put it on Github. You should have put all your code on Github. Right from the beginning. No exceptions.

Putting your code on Github will…

1. Introduce you to Git #

I remember back when my version control was saving the file periodically with an appended version number:,, etc. Git was the version control you needed back when you didn’t know what version control was. Simply put, Git is better. Moreover, Github has great tutorials for getting started and practicing Git.

2. Start building a portfolio #

I remember back when I was hustling for my first internship, and I would walk into interviews and say, “I can program, trust me.” I should have said, “I can program, let me show you.” Employers love portfolios. Moreover, employers love continuous improvement, and putting your code on Github gives employers faith in your progression.

3. Make your future life easier #

Soon you will start programming as part of a team. When that happens, you’ll need a tool that enables everybody to work together. Github describes themselves as, “Powerful collaboration, code review, and code management for open source and private projects.” Moreover, it’s been the standard at two of the three companies I’ve worked at. Getting comfortable with Git/Github now will make your life easier later on.

Past Me, I know you’re busy. I’m telling you from the future, this is worth it.


Present Me


Now read this

[notes] Crucial Conversations

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High (2002) by Kerry Patterson and Joseph Grenny # Buy from Amazon CH. 1: What’s a Crucial Conversation? And Who Cares? # “Now, what makes one of your conversations crucial as... Continue →